Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, Day 61
Lake Hebgen to Ennis, Montana (50 miles)

We awoke to a temperature of 39 degrees. You know how sometimes you wish you didn’t have to get up. That was my feeling this morning.
It rained most of the night so our gear was wet. Our tents had to dry before we left. When we were ready to get going, we stopped for breakfast.
We were in the area of Earthquake Lake. We passed this lake soon after we started our ride. Back on August 17, 1959, this area experienced an earthquake registering 7.5 on the Richter scale. This was a tremendous earthquake that caused a portion of an adjoining mountain to release a huge dirt and rockslide that came to rest blocking the flow of the Madison River. Within six hours, Earthquake Lake was formed. Fifty plus years later, you can still see the tops of dead trees in the middle of the lake. Sadly, though, 25 people died in the quake.

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