Sunday, July 11, 2010

Saturday, June 26, Day 51
Hot Sulphur Springs to Walden, Colorado (62 miles)

We camped next to the Colorado River overnight. We tented and I was asleep by 8:30.
Steve actually crashed before I did. Biking makes going to bed early automatic. Burning so many calories each day and bringing your body to the brink of exhaustion dictates the early to bed routine.
It was around midnight when a freight train went through. Don’t know how many cars were involved but the engine had a great whistle. Five whistle blasts and 2 rings on the bell and five whistle blasts and 2 rings on the bell and five…you get my drift??
Several hours later, there was something or someone outside my tent. I gave out a tremendous yell and I could hear whatever it was running off. This had to be close to 3am. Went back to sleep and we were up at 5am.
By the way, the mosquitoes here in the Rockies are big and numerous and bullet proof. No matter what repellent you use, they still manage to close in for the blood sucking. Too many bites to count. I look and feel like a pin cushion.
On this ride, we crossed the Continental Divide once more but this time at Willow Creek Pass. The elevation here was a mere 9,621 feet above sea level. We enjoyed comfortable temperatures in the low 70’s. Not too much humidity. The only hang up was a 12 mile climb of about 2,100 feet. Once over the Divide, it was mostly downhill into the town of Walden. It began to hail on our way into town and then the lightning and rain started and continued into the night.
In lieu of tenting tonight, we are staying in a motel. Looking for a place to stay was a chore. We wound up going to 4 places that were sold out. At the fifth, the motel owner let us stay in her home overnight. The house is directly behind the motel. Thank you Betty Lou.
Bike Ted

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