Sunday, July 18, 2010

Thursday, July 8, Day 63
Dillon KOA to Wisdom, Montana (68 miles)

Today we had to go through two mountain passes…the Badger Pass (6,755 feet above sea level) and Big Hole Pass (7,400 feet above sea level).
The initial part of our ride today had us making a 14-mile climb to the top of Badger Pass. The entire climb consisted of about 1,500 feet. Piece of Cake LOL.
Great biking weather and probably the best we’ve experienced so far. Moderate temperatures and low humidity helps the body regulate the intensity of each effort. The starting temps were in the high 40’s and topped off at about 65 degrees. The extreme humidity during the day approached a low of maybe 10 to 15 percent. Our ascent cost about two hours of time. Remember there were two passes to negotiate today.
We left Badger Pass and rode about five miles to a valley before starting the climb toward Big Hole Pass. This climb was steeper and only about 1,400 feet. The actual distance of the climb was about 7 miles and took nearly two hours.
Once we crested Big Hole, the downhill and the balance of the trip to Wisdom was relatively simple.
We encountered more legendary mosquitoes, this time the famous mosquitoes of the Montana Mountains. You can be traveling 15-20 mph, and they still find you. In our estimation, Steve’s and mine, during this trip to date, we have given more blood than a blood bank can collect in a month. Hate those little vampires.
Bike Ted.

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