Sunday, July 18, 2010

Monday, July 5, Day 60
Yellowstone to Kirkwood Resort and Marina, Lake Hebgen, Montana (75 miles)

We said goodbye to Yellowstone Park today pulling out of Grant Village and heading west to Old Faithful. We couldn’t leave without watching the geyser blow off. The first 17 miles to Old Faithful was a lot of climbing, you know, going up. We crossed the continental divide twice.
I was a bit disappointed to see the commercialization at the geyser. I guess I was totally surprised, too, at seeing the amount of people that were standing around waiting for the blow off. It was exciting at the time of eruption but, personally, I enjoyed West Geyser Basin more.
Steve and I continued heading west out of the park. We were on a downhill now and passed by Madison Village while following the Madison River on the way out.
We experienced some rain and a chilled wind during the last 30 miles. To make matters worse, Steve had a rear tire flat that had to be repaired so we could continue our way to the campground at Hebgen Lake. We were so anxious to get out of the nasty weather that caused us to set a record at putting the tent into place.
I’m writing this and prepping for a good night of sleep. The wind is blowing and the rain continues to fall but I’m safe and sound. Thank you.
Bike Ted

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