Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thursday, June 17, Day 42
Ness City to Scott City, Kansas (57 miles)

Today, Jerry Newman’s brother-in-law, Bill Lackey, joined us for two days of riding. We had strong winds from the south with gusts to almost 40mph. I was physically blown off the road on two occasions.
The temps were bad, too. Reaching to almost 100 degrees. The ride was like going up hill the entire day.
Nothing of interest to report with one exception and that happened in the evening after the day’s ride. We had a birthday party for Jerry who is now 71 years young.
Bill paid for the party and it was a very sweet thing for him to do.
Almost forgot to mention we are riding with a couple from New Zealand, Fred and Barbara. He’s 78 and Barbara is 77. How about a round of applause for our guests.
They are riding a tandem bike (two people on one bike).
These two are so incredibly happy and very gracious.
Sure enjoyed our conversations.
Hey…how ‘bout a round of applause for us….we passed the 2,000 mile mark. Two thousand miles in 42 days works out to an average of 48 miles per day. Wow. I’m impressed.

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