Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sunday, May 30th, Day 24
Golconda to Carbondale, Illinois (63 miles)

This was a really tough day for me.
Had some food at the campground before we departed on the trip to Carbondale..
For whatever reason I had in my mind, I ate enough food for the start of the ride.
WRONG. We have been experiencing some pretty drastic rides where the amount of calories burned is astronomical. We must remain hydrated and we must have a certain amount of fats and carbs in our diet. My personal vendetta for years has been to void myself of fats and carbs. I guess that’s the mentality of someone who is genuinely concerned with trying to maintain a healthy heart by limiting the amount of fats introduced into the body.
About 10 to 12 miles into the ride today, my legs became jello like and I didn’t have the power or the where with all to continue the ride. My legs felt like lead and I was anticipating the end of the ride for Ted Swedalla. I was beginning to hallucinate and wasn’t sure if I wanted to go on.
Two things happened that turned my ride around.
A call from the VFW Hall in Centerville, Missouri.
Bob Hickman from the VFW Post 6043 wants the team to stop because he wants to meet us and his gang has a donation for VetDogs. Maybe we can do some photos.
The second and most amazing revelation happened when we sat down for lunch in Goreville, Illinois.
Jerry suggested I forget the continued lack of fat into my diet.
I had the biggest plate of chicken with lots of gravy.
In less than 30 minutes, my energy level had gone from “zilch” to “Let’s kick some ass.”
I was able to complete the last 30 miles in stellar fashion. I was back to being my old self.
Back to being the person who wants desperately to finish this ride and make some bucks for our returning veterans.
VetDogs Rules.
Guess what I had for dinner???
A big ass rib-eye steak and a good night sleep.
Semper Fi.
I’m back and going to kick some butt.
I hope it’s not yours and thanks for your support.
And, I forgot to mention, the biggest help was talking with my soul mate, Terri, who has been there from day 1. The inspiration in my life and my best friend!!!

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