Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Friday, May 14, Day 8
Blacksburg to Wytheville, Virginia (59 miles)

When we left the Abraham’s home, it was already hot and sunny. There was a bike trail that we discovered and used it to start our day’s journey. There was a breakfast nook adjacent to the trail, so we stopped to eat our first meal of the day.
There was a table of four wonderful ladies who saw the group in biking gear and it piqued their curiosity. After they discovered what we were doing, one of the women, Fran, said that she and her husband would like to feed us lunch. Fran knew of a church along our route and she suggested meeting us at that location. Fran and her husband, Dick, were waiting for our arrival. We pulled in the church lot and were not only greeted by Fran and Dick but a wonderful lunch consisting of Salad, Bread, Pasta, Green Iced Tea, Fruit and a dessert…delicious brownies.
Here we are, five strangers biking across Virginia, who were befriended by wonderful people. I cannot say enough about the hospitality of Virginia people.
It was a great meal and a blessing in disguise. The afternoon greeted us with hills, one after another, with some grades as steep as 15 degrees and the climbs were long and tedious. We stayed at a Comfort Inn just outside of Wytheville. Right next-door was a remarkable Country Kitchen Restaurant. The food was great as was the entertainment of a local Gospel Band and Singing Group. I was quite moved by their presence and the music was really good. By the by…had my first flat today. Fun, fun, fun!!! Till tomorrow.

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