Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Saturday, May 15, Day 9
Wytheville to Damascus, Virginia (62 miles)

The header says we are in Damascus that in reality was Marion, Virginia.
Our ride today featured a mostly two-lane road with no shoulders. Thank heaven for the absence of much traffic. We experienced a series of hills much like those of previous days but we seem to be adjusting to the severity of the climbs. It was very hot mid-day. I think we all were looking forward to the end of this ride. It means a rest day tomorrow, and we are realizing the importance of those “off” days. Our time today was admirable and we wound up having an early dinner in Marion. We had a local girl waitress, Anna, who made small talk with us regarding the ride. She treated us with the utmost respect and we had a tremendous meal. I failed to mention earlier that our ride today had us on US11. We are staying at the Hungry Mother State Park.

A very clean and nice facility.
It appears that all in our group are getting stronger. I would say most improved is Terri…her hill climbing makes me envious. Phyllis is starting to feel better and Steve is in a class by himself…what a biker.
Jerry needs no accolades as his stamina remains strong and we all hope to attain that same level as we proceed. My hill-climbing prowess continues to improve and I’m eating enough for two bears. Rest tomorrow. Good!!!

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