Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday, June 12, Day 37
Eureka to Newton (74 miles)

The humidity is up again with temperatures in the eighties. The sky is overcast and we have variable winds up to 15 mph.
Our ride started after a good breakfast and we were headed for Rosalia. We were scheduled for a 2nd breakfast and water replenishment there. That would be the approximate 20 mile marker into the day’s lengthy ride.
Much to our dismay, the only store in town is closed down. This is a more common occurrence we see as our ride progresses. Many of these towns have a very “tired” look. Many businesses, that once thrived, are closed but hopefully will be able to recover. Store fronts vacant…rent me signs everywhere. No jobs, few jobs, the prospect is grim.
It appears that you have to be closer to better lines of communication to survive. Being near an interstate or major East/West or North/South road is beneficial.
Our dilemma was that we were short on food and drink and weren’t really sure what we would find at our next potential stop.
We got to a town called Cassoday.
We are looking for water replenishment and a great meal.
We found both, a great meal and a multitude of entertainment..
We got involved with a group of local cowboys. You know, those guys that make sure we have good meat on the table. Yes, those guys that do the cowboy thing.
Those guys that take care of the cattle that ensures our prominence in the world meat market. Those guys that give us the incredible steaks and ribs and food that we die for.
Prime Rib is my nemesis. Rare, prime rib is heavenly.
Their age range from 20 to 50.
Their condition from great to superb.
Their bodies…very incredibly rippled and emblazoned with strength.
Much like mine LOL!!!
We still had 38 miles of road to cover through this day.
Back to no stores for food and water. Wonder if there were stores last year or two years ago???
The saving grace was a flat and smooth road that was straight as an arrow and led us into the confines of Newton.
We witnessed mile after mile of open fields, fields of cattle grazing, horses grazing, and miles and miles of oil derricks. What a difference in the land and it’s usage!!!
It was a chore…the last part of the trip. We made it. and were delighted with Newton and this was an overnight with the next day off. Good thing, too, because it rained all night and most of our off day. A great day to take a rest!!!

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