Saturday, June 12, 2010

Friday, May 21st, Day 15
Booneville to Berea, Kentucky (58 miles)

We started from the place we squatted at last night…only to be greeted by overcast skies and some drips…from the sky. This might have been leftovers from the previous day when we had much rain.
The mile hill out of town was a wonderful way to start our day. It sorta piqued our interest in having some breakfast. Food now is a very welcomed part of our day that helps sustain the ride we are making.
We made good time despite the many ups and downs we experienced during our trek toward Berea. Some ups and downs were very sharp meaning we had to be very aware of the terrain to avoid injury. It was okay and we arrived in Berea mid-afternoon.
We settled into a Super 8 that would provide us safe haven for two days because tomorrow is a rest day, thank you.
We are so hyped to visit town tomorrow to see what it’s like in Berea, Kentucky.
Have no idea what to expect, but looking forward to our tour.
Tonight we are having Mexican Food.
I heard there are explosive virtues that enhance bike riding.
Uh, Oh…we aren’t riding tomorrow.
Who’s rooming with who???

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