Saturday, August 7, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, Day 69
Riggins to Council, Idaho (62 miles)

This morning, Steve and I left the Salmon River behind us as the sun was coming up over the mountains. Today was another steady climb of 35 miles to the town of New Meadows where we had our second breakfast. Then we had another climb of about 10 miles before we began a descent into Council.
On today’s ride, we had to follow Route 95 that became a big distraction for us. The shoulders were very narrow and there were many big trucks, tractor-trailers and the worst, logging trucks. The logging trucks were the ones that put the fear of God into me. They drive very fast in both directions…loaded and not loaded…and little pieces of bark and trees are flying off the truck as they pass you on the road.
For that reason, Steve and I couldn’t enjoy the eye candy as we have on other days while crossing Idaho. The drivers, however, do give us some room and for that, we are very thankful. Bike Ted.

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