Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 25th Packing for the ride

I'm making my list up for items to carry with me. Because of room and weight less is
more, and believe me you don't need that much to make it work.Riding clothing,Tent,
sleeping bag,Cell phone,$,and credit card. I hope to stay about 30-35 pounds in carry
items.I'll keep you posted. see you later...:)Ted

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Texas Hill Country Ride April 10-16

This is my last group ride before start of the Transamerican ride.I met up with my bike buddy Jerry Newman in Baltimore, Md. and from there we traveled to Austin,TX.
We started our ride from McKinney Falls State Park just outside of Austin. After a
great breakfast which was provided by Adventure Cycling our tour guide and support
system for this group ride. We started off with a total of 49 riders on a rainy and
chilly morning. The hardest part of the morning ride was keeping rain water off my sun glasses. At about 10 miles into the ride Jerry and I were going down a hill and
notice cyclist at the base of the hill on both sides of the road telling us to SLOW
DOWN.I stated to slow down and notice that the pavement looked gray. Through my side
mirror I saw Jerry go down and I made the mistake of looking back and down I went!
I skidded about 20-25 feet,but did not feel any pain. Getting up slowly the first thing I notice was that I was covered with Gray sticky Clay. The road was covered with it from trucks which were pulling out of a construction site.We both were very lucky no damage to ourselves or our bikes. After a brief pause back on the bike and
our ride.We continued on with the rain stopping at about mile 30 and then onto
the Mountain Breeze Camp along the Guadalupe River.We set up our tents then off to a great dinner.Total distance 64 miles

April 12- The following day we traveled onto Blanco State Park. The day started a little chilly, but after the first 3 miles you warmed up. The day turn sunny and warm and a good ride was had by all but one. We had been told by our Map meeting man the day before to be careful at the 2 "wet bridges" which we has to cross . A wet bridge is one were the water goes over the top of the bridge at about up to a foot deep.Leo Scott one of the riders decided to ride his bike across instead of walking
it. Sadly he went down and fractured in hip in many places. He was taken away to the
nearest hospital and of course this put some rain on all of us at the end of the day.
Total distance 47 miles

April 13- The day started with rain and fog . At mile 17 we had a chance to stop at the Ranch of ladybird & President Johnson.The ranch was almost 3,000 acres ( so I should have gone into politics?)The NPS takes care of the out buildings and the "Texas White House " The house was very nice and richly understated as this was the domain of Ladybird. It was a fun stop.We continued on through hill country
with our legs getting a good workout. The day ended at Oakwood RV park in Fredericksburg, Texas.We set up our tents had a great dinner and talk about the day.
Distance 65 miles

April 14 - This was a rest day for our group with the option of doing a ride to Enchanted Rock State Park. Jerry & I took the ride to the park, good move on our part. The ride had some good hill climbing along the way . The highlight of the ride were the fields of bluebonnets along the roadside.As we got closer to the park the
flowers became more numerous. The "sea of blue" was amazing, and the smell reminded me of honeysuckle. The Park itself was ok with a very nice view of the granite hills in the park.On the way back I had a rear tire flat and got back to the RV camp just as it started to rain.Distance 47 miles

April 15 - This is a day I will not forget! It rain from the time we packed our tents till the time we set up our tents.Between the 69 Miles we traveled about all
I'll remember of the day will be rain,hills,rain,more hills.I was one beat up puppy setting up tents with Jerry (in the rain)eating (in the rain)and going to sleep in the rain.The night was spent in Pedernales State Park and yes it rained all night!
Distance 69 miles

April 16 This was the last day of our ride.The day started off with overcast Sky's
and winds of 1o-15 MPH.The first 30 miles were a test of our legs and our metal.
We had 4 hills of 15% or better 2 water crossings and many cattle crossing. By lunch time I could have eaten one of those cattle.After a good lunch of peanut butter,walnuts and raisin bread I started off for the last leg of the ride. The hills got flatter and the Skyline of the city of Austin appeared. The ride ended in Dover Spring Park in Austin.I said my good byes to my fellow riders and then off to my hotel and a HOT SHOWER !!!!! Distance 60 miles

Till next time your bike buddy Ted

Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 4 Happy Birthday

Had a great day did a 64 mile ride on the north fork of Long Island 50 to 65
degrees some overcast with the sun at end of ride. I'm ___ years old today, but
you may be able to figure out my age, look for the clues.My 88 year old mother-in -law made a wonderful birthday dinner for us tonight . She's such a nice woman. I
sure want her cooking me many more birthday dinners.Terri gave me a camelbak for my
BD just what I needed for our up coming ride. Till next time ...Ted